Piese clasice


Piese clasice este un modul oficial creat și susținut de echipa WordPress, el restaurează ecranul anterior („clasic”) pentru piesele din WordPress. Va fi susținut și păstrat până cel puțin în anul 2022 sau atât timp cât va fi necesar.

După ce este activat, acest modul restaurează ecranul anterior („clasic”) pentru piesele din WordPress și dezactivează editorul de blocuri care nu mai administrează piesele. Nu trebuie să configurezi nimic, ecranul pentru setări piese din Aspect – Piese este activat sau dezactivat odată cu activarea sau dezactivarea acestui modul.

Întrebări frecvente

Trebuie să fac vrea setare?

Nu, nu există setări. După ce este activat, acest modul restaurează ecranul anterior („clasic”) pentru piesele din WordPress și dezactivează editorul de blocuri care nu mai administrează piesele.


30 iulie 2021
Thank god for this. Was shocked when I saw the new block based widget area. Absolutely hate it!
30 iulie 2021
Thank goodness there is an antidote to the new widgets page! I cannot fathom the new version, when the old version is so much clearer and easier to understand. All those little icons which are incomprehensible...! What is wrong with old fashioned worded names for widgets?
30 iulie 2021
Thank you for making this. We hand-code some of our advertising banners using widgets along the sidebar as a way of bypassing ad blockers. However, with the new WordPress update (5.8) this plugin caused issues with my RSS feed not sending out via our email provider. It took a bit of time to point the finger to this plugin, but as soon as I disabled it, the RSS feed worked fine again. Hopefully, this will be updated soon so I needn't toggle it on and off as I rearrange ad banners. Thanks for all your work!
29 iulie 2021
Pleased we can restore to the old method. I've come to like Gutenberg for layouts for day to day work, but why use this method for arranging widgets?? Stupid.
28 iulie 2021
Thank You! What a relief to be able to have the Widget area restored to its original excellent design. The Gutenberg Blocks just don't make the grade. It's twice as much work. WordPress core used to make sense, now it doesn't. Why take something that worked so well and mess it up for the people who use WordPress. Not just developers and designers but users of WordPress. I won't be surprised if there are two versions of WordPress. 1)The original WordPress core that went from a blogging platform to becoming the most used software worldwide. 2) The Gutenberg WordPress. A Block System with blank pages and hidden features that only the people who created them know where they are and what they do and how to operate them.
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