- WordCamp MumbaiFörening
- WordCamp LondonEvenemang
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- WP MediaProgramvaruföretag
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What a great start to the 6th edition of #WPTranslationDay with lots of chatter about the work of the polyglot contributors and why translation is so important for the use and enjoyment of software. Day 2 is already underway in some parts of the globe. Enjoy it, share with us how you're celebrating.
The local event list is growing - is your locale listed? https://wptranslationday.org/wptd-2021/local-events/
The global events - more coming!...
#WordPress WordCamp WordCamp Europe WordCamp India WordCamp US
It’s day 6 of #WPTranslationDay and lots of great ideas being swapped across the different locales, with tips for translating plugins to translations of #LearnWP.
#WordPress translators are amazing! Don’t forget to nominate contributors who‘ve made a difference in your locale or globally to be featured in the 2021 celebrations. https://wptranslationday.org/…/call-for-nominations-polygl…/