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Event Time Announcer

Event in UTC on torsdag den 16 september 2021, 20:00:00

Event Time in UTC, Time Zone

torsdag den 16 september 2021

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Current time: tor, 14:39:17

Converted Time Stockholm, Sweden

torsdag den 16 september 2021

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Current time: tor, 16:39:17

Event actions: Countdown to Event | Add to Calendar | New Announcement


The Event Time Announcer converts the time of your planned event to local times all over the world for easy sharing and linking.

Event Times Around the World

Accrator 20:00Casablanca *tor 21:00Kolkatafre 01:30Reykjaviktor 20:00
Addis Ababator 23:00Chicago *tor 15:00Kuala Lumpurfre 04:00Rio de Janeirotor 17:00
Adelaidefre 05:30Copenhagen *tor 22:00Kuwait Citytor 23:00Riyadhtor 23:00
Algierstor 21:00Dallas *tor 15:00Kyiv *tor 23:00Rome *tor 22:00
Almatyfre 02:00Dar es Salaamtor 23:00La Paztor 16:00Salt Lake City *tor 14:00
Amman *tor 23:00Darwinfre 05:30Lagostor 21:00San Francisco *tor 13:00
Amsterdam *tor 22:00Denver *tor 14:00Lahorefre 01:00San Juantor 16:00
Anadyrfre 08:00Detroit *tor 16:00Las Vegas *tor 13:00San Salvadortor 14:00
Anchorage *tor 12:00Dhakafre 02:00Limator 15:00Santiago *tor 17:00
Ankarator 23:00Dohator 23:00Lisbon *tor 21:00Santo Domingotor 16:00
Antananarivotor 23:00Dubaifre 00:00London *tor 21:00São Paulotor 17:00
Asunciontor 16:00Dublin *tor 21:00Los Angeles *tor 13:00Seattle *tor 13:00
Athens *tor 23:00Edmonton *tor 14:00Madrid *tor 22:00Seoulfre 05:00
Atlanta *tor 16:00Frankfurt *tor 22:00Managuator 14:00Shanghaifre 04:00
Aucklandfre 08:00Guatemala Citytor 14:00Manilafre 04:00Singaporefre 04:00
Baghdadtor 23:00Halifax *tor 17:00Melbournefre 06:00Sofia *tor 23:00
Bangkokfre 03:00Hanoifre 03:00Mexico City *tor 15:00St. John's *tor 17:30
Barcelona *tor 22:00Hararetor 22:00Miami *tor 16:00Stockholm *tor 22:00
Beijingfre 04:00Havana *tor 16:00Minneapolis *tor 15:00Suvafre 08:00
Beirut *tor 23:00Helsinki *tor 23:00Minsktor 23:00Sydneyfre 06:00
Belgrade *tor 22:00Hong Kongfre 04:00Montevideotor 17:00Taipeifre 04:00
Bengalurufre 01:30Honolulutor 10:00Montréal *tor 16:00Tallinn *tor 23:00
Berlin *tor 22:00Houston *tor 15:00Moscowtor 23:00Tashkentfre 01:00
Bogotator 15:00Indianapolis *tor 16:00Mumbaifre 01:30Tegucigalpator 14:00
Boston *tor 16:00Islamabadfre 01:00Nairobitor 23:00Tehran *fre 00:30
Brasiliator 17:00Istanbultor 23:00Nassau *tor 16:00Tokyofre 05:00
Brisbanefre 06:00Jakartafre 03:00New Delhifre 01:30Toronto *tor 16:00
Brussels *tor 22:00Jerusalem *tor 23:00New Orleans *tor 15:00Vancouver *tor 13:00
Bucharest *tor 23:00Johannesburgtor 22:00New York *tor 16:00Vienna *tor 22:00
Budapest *tor 22:00Kabulfre 00:30Oslo *tor 22:00Warsaw *tor 22:00
Buenos Airestor 17:00Karachifre 01:00Ottawa *tor 16:00Washington DC *tor 16:00
Cairotor 22:00Kathmandufre 01:45Paris *tor 22:00Winnipeg *tor 15:00
Calgary *tor 14:00Khartoumtor 22:00Perthfre 04:00Yangonfre 02:30
Canberrafre 06:00Kingstontor 15:00Philadelphia *tor 16:00Zagreb *tor 22:00
Cape Towntor 22:00Kinshasator 21:00Phoenixtor 13:00Zürich *tor 22:00
Caracastor 16:00Kiritimatifre 10:00Prague *tor 22:00

* Adjusted for Daylight Saving Time (65 places).

tor = torsdag den 16 september 2021 (105 places).
fre = fredag den 17 september 2021 (38 places).

UTC (GMT/Zulu)-time: torsdag den 16 september 2021, 20:00:00

UTC is Coordinated Universal Time, GMT is Greenwich Mean Time.
Great Britain/United Kingdom is one hour ahead of UTC during summer.

Questions about this event? Please contact the person or organization that created this announcement, not us at timeanddate.com.

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