The WordPress core development team builds WordPress! Follow this site for general updates, status reports, and the occasional code debate. There’s lots of ways to contribute:
With Block Gap support in place, it has also been added to the Columns, Title, and Navigation blocks.
Buttons in the the Buttons Block move closer together or farther apart as the Block Gap is changed.
Flex Layout Highlights
Following the introduction of Flex Layout in 11.2.0, now Flex Layouts are supported within the Social Links and Group blocks! The Social Links block now has a ‘flex’ justification option, for automatic best-fit.
There is also a new variation of the Group block that allows for flex layout. You can try it out by choosing “Row” from the block inserter.
Social Icons change flow when flex justification is selected.
Site Title and Logo Inside Navigation Block
It’s now possible to build your site logo or title directly into menus, enabling new design possibilities! Insert, and modify the title or logo that you prefer, using design tools, then re-order for your ideal look.
A Site Logo is added to a Navigation Block, then resized and placed.
Global Styles
Global styles are now available to themes by default, allowing block, theme, and patterns to have a reliable set of styles provided by core.
Themes are now able to selectively disable text and background colors. This allows theme authors to provide exactly the experience they’d like to provide users, whether allowing custom colors, gradients, or only their curated selections.
Other Notable Highlights
The Heading Levels menu has been redesigned, and is now vertical, making it easier to visualize the hierarchy.
Jest Preset: Restore the default setting for the verbose option. (34327)
Make Test_Widget compatible with WP_Widget. (34355)
Performance Benchmark
The following benchmark compares performance for a particularly sizeable post (~36,000 words, ~1,000 blocks) over the last releases. Such a large post isn’t representative of the average editing experience but is adequate for spotting variations in performance.
Loading Time
KeyPress Event (typing)
Gutenberg 11.5
Gutenberg 11.4
WordPress 5.8
Kudos to all the contributors that helped with the release! 👏
Thanks to @beafialho and @joen for the release post assets, @priethor for coordination and review, @youknowriad for release and tools wrangling, @mamaduka for answers and help throughout, and @talldanwp for inviting me to shadow a release in preparation.
This status update contains the high-level items that Gutenberg contributors are focusing onin preparation for the WordPress 5.9 Go/No Go that builds on the focus areas for 5.9 and the current Site Editing Scope. Please join us in our efforts and let us know in the comments if anything is blocking you from doing so.
The Template Editor is the editing mode that allows you to create, assign, and edit block templates to posts and pages. There are different editors that leverage this editing mode, such as the Template Editor inside the Post Editor or the Site Editor available in the Gutenberg plugin. Current focuses include:
With the initial rollout of the new directory in WordPress 5.8, there’s a growing need to expand the inserter integration to accommodate broader categories of patterns and the experience of browsing them:
WordPress 5.8 introduced the scaffolding necessary for themes to control how various aspects of blocks render and how the interface is controlled. The natural next step ahead is to develop the user interface that will allow themers to build with these style properties directly in the editor and when allowed, users to interact with these style properties.
Design tools encompass all tools related to the appearance of blocks and it ranges from colors, typography, alignments, and positioning, to filters like duotone, cropping, and background media creation of shared tools and its consistent application across blocks:
With the help of the Navigation block, editing a site’s navigation menu will be possible with a block interface and within a stand-alone block editor. This will allow users to edit not only the menu’s structure but also its design directly in context and without the need for previewing. The main current focuses in this project are:
The Navigation Editor aims to help expand what’s possible with menus while bringing block functionality to yet another part of WordPress while offering a more modern experience. Current efforts include:
While the above items are our focuses, don’t forget that you can always help with triage, testing issues, good first issues, and reviewing PRs. In particular, if you’re interested in helping with triage but don’t know where to start, there’s a course on Learn WordPress for how to do triage in GitHub! Check it out and join us.
If there’s anything we can do to make contributing easier, let us know in the comments or in #core-editor chats. While we can’t promise to fix everything, we’d appreciate being aware of any blockers.
Do you have something to propose for the agenda, or a specific item relevant to the usual agenda items above?
Please leave a comment, and say whether or not you’ll be in the chat, so the group can either give you the floor or bring up your topic for you accordingly.
This meeting happens in the #core channel. To join the meeting, you’ll need an account on the Making WordPress Slack.
1. opens up `theme.json` for extensibility by developers via hooks/filters.
2. allows `theme.json` to control features that are unique to particular blocks (as opposed to things that are common across all blocks such as spacing).
I’d like to hear what folks (especially those working on Global Styles) think about this.
The following comment made by a4jp . com was posted to last weeks Core Editor Chat agenda after the chat was held. Perhaps something for the Open Floor.
The inserter (add block – the line with plus mark) is missing above the top inserted block.
@danfarrow observed that some WordPress docs pages relating to local dev have not been updated to include details of wp-env and expressed an intention to remedy that
@dryanpress has some files ready to submit, @wazeter is finishing updating media-views.css and @danfarrow posted a draft PR for forms.css
deprecated-media.css is the only remaining unclaimed file
@ryelle has been working on reviewing & merging PRs as they come in. She is planning to open a new base branch, once more PRs are merged, to make it cleaner for the next stages
@danfarrow asked about the PR review process. @ryelle said she’s been trimming down custom properties to existing ones where possible, and testing in the browser
@danfarrow asked if creating a custom-properties aliasing existing custom-property is ever useful. @ryelle responded that they might be if there could be a requirement to style a component differently, but the subject is open to discussion. @dryanpress & @wazeter expressed the view that more aliases give users more granular control outside of the cascade
There was general agreement that this project is a good opportunity to clean up things like the inheritance structure, minor colour variations etc.
I’m working on how to make the Nav Editor more resilient to changes in the Navigation block.
One route I’m exploring is using Theme JSON to control the features of the Nav block. My proposal does two things that I’d like some input on:
1. opens up `theme.json` for extensibility by developers via hooks/filters.
2. allows `theme.json` to control features that are unique to particular blocks (as opposed to things that are common across all blocks such as spacing).
I’d like to hear what folks (especially those working on Global Styles) think about this.
I’ve been working on assorted things: alignments (add wide control only if theme provides wideSize, fix for floats), link color (fix for clearing the class, fix for link color in containers), cache issues for global styles (stylesheet, theme.json), and adding support for disabling text and background color controls via theme.json
Here’s a general update for the navigation editor:
@get_dave, @annezazu, and myself are hosting a Hallway Hangout tomorrow @ 1600 UTC discussing Full Site Editing pathways to adoption, click for details.
I’m working on a couple minor issues, adding shortcut key to Preview Post but requires some refactoring.
The other is adding explanatory text to the Quick Inserter when used in InnerBlocks, but still needs some further questions answered to have a clear path forward.
The following comment made by a4jp . com was posted to last weeks Core Editor Chat agenda after the chat was held. Perhaps something for the Open Floor.
The inserter (add block – the line with plus mark) is missing above the top inserted block.
Toggle block inserter doesn’t help here either.
You currently have to add a block under the top inserted block then move it above the top block each time. It would be nice to get this fixed.
If the line that said add block were above the first block added it would just take one click to add new blocks, which is very nice.