Event Time Announcer - Event has passed

Event in UTC on tisdag den 28 september 2021, 05:00:00

Event Time in UTC, Time Zone

tisdag den 28 september 2021

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Current time: tis, 14:44:08

Converted Time Stockholm, Sweden

tisdag den 28 september 2021

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Current time: tis, 16:44:08

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The Event Time Announcer converts the time of your planned event to local times all over the world for easy sharing and linking.

Event Times Around the World

Accratis 05:00Casablanca *tis 06:00Kolkatatis 10:30Reykjaviktis 05:00
Addis Ababatis 08:00Chicago *tis 00:00Kuala Lumpurtis 13:00Rio de Janeirotis 02:00
Adelaidetis 14:30Copenhagen *tis 07:00Kuwait Citytis 08:00Riyadhtis 08:00
Algierstis 06:00Dallas *tis 00:00Kyiv *tis 08:00Rome *tis 07:00
Almatytis 11:00Dar es Salaamtis 08:00La Paztis 01:00Salt Lake City *mån 23:00
Amman *tis 08:00Darwintis 14:30Lagostis 06:00San Francisco *mån 22:00
Amsterdam *tis 07:00Denver *mån 23:00Lahoretis 10:00San Juantis 01:00
Anadyrtis 17:00Detroit *tis 01:00Las Vegas *mån 22:00San Salvadormån 23:00
Anchorage *mån 21:00Dhakatis 11:00Limatis 00:00Santiago *tis 02:00
Ankaratis 08:00Dohatis 08:00Lisbon *tis 06:00Santo Domingotis 01:00
Antananarivotis 08:00Dubaitis 09:00London *tis 06:00São Paulotis 02:00
Asunciontis 01:00Dublin *tis 06:00Los Angeles *mån 22:00Seattle *mån 22:00
Athens *tis 08:00Edmonton *mån 23:00Madrid *tis 07:00Seoultis 14:00
Atlanta *tis 01:00Frankfurt *tis 07:00Managuamån 23:00Shanghaitis 13:00
Auckland *tis 18:00Guatemala Citymån 23:00Manilatis 13:00Singaporetis 13:00
Baghdadtis 08:00Halifax *tis 02:00Melbournetis 15:00Sofia *tis 08:00
Bangkoktis 12:00Hanoitis 12:00Mexico City *tis 00:00St. John's *tis 02:30
Barcelona *tis 07:00Hararetis 07:00Miami *tis 01:00Stockholm *tis 07:00
Beijingtis 13:00Havana *tis 01:00Minneapolis *tis 00:00Suvatis 17:00
Beirut *tis 08:00Helsinki *tis 08:00Minsktis 08:00Sydneytis 15:00
Belgrade *tis 07:00Hong Kongtis 13:00Montevideotis 02:00Taipeitis 13:00
Bengalurutis 10:30Honolulumån 19:00Montréal *tis 01:00Tallinn *tis 08:00
Berlin *tis 07:00Houston *tis 00:00Moscowtis 08:00Tashkenttis 10:00
Bogotatis 00:00Indianapolis *tis 01:00Mumbaitis 10:30Tegucigalpamån 23:00
Boston *tis 01:00Islamabadtis 10:00Nairobitis 08:00Tehrantis 08:30
Brasiliatis 02:00Istanbultis 08:00Nassau *tis 01:00Tokyotis 14:00
Brisbanetis 15:00Jakartatis 12:00New Delhitis 10:30Toronto *tis 01:00
Brussels *tis 07:00Jerusalem *tis 08:00New Orleans *tis 00:00Vancouver *mån 22:00
Bucharest *tis 08:00Johannesburgtis 07:00New York *tis 01:00Vienna *tis 07:00
Budapest *tis 07:00Kabultis 09:30Oslo *tis 07:00Warsaw *tis 07:00
Buenos Airestis 02:00Karachitis 10:00Ottawa *tis 01:00Washington DC *tis 01:00
Cairotis 07:00Kathmandutis 10:45Paris *tis 07:00Winnipeg *tis 00:00
Calgary *mån 23:00Khartoumtis 07:00Perthtis 13:00Yangontis 11:30
Canberratis 15:00Kingstontis 00:00Philadelphia *tis 01:00Zagreb *tis 07:00
Cape Towntis 07:00Kinshasatis 06:00Phoenixmån 22:00Zürich *tis 07:00
Caracastis 01:00Kiritimatitis 19:00Prague *tis 07:00

* Adjusted for Daylight Saving Time (65 places).

mån = måndag den 27 september 2021 (16 places).
tis = tisdag den 28 september 2021 (127 places).

UTC (GMT/Zulu)-time: tisdag den 28 september 2021, 05:00:00

UTC is Coordinated Universal Time, GMT is Greenwich Mean Time.
Great Britain/United Kingdom is one hour ahead of UTC during summer.

Questions about this event? Please contact the person or organization that created this announcement, not us at timeanddate.com.

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