These summary notes focus on key items and actions from the meeting and to assist with an asynchronous contribution to the Global Marketing Team. For those unable to attend a meeting due to timezone issues, please do join the discussion threads and tasks on Trello after the meeting and send your updates.
Meeting Notes
A big thanks to @oglekler and @lmurillom for contributing to drafting last week’s meeting notes. Note: Please review and add comments in suggestion mode – link in the Slack. These notes will be updated as appropriate.
A reminder to check the draft notes is circulated at the meeting every week. Please review and check your ID is listed on collaborations that you have actively contributed too. We rely on this to update the final notes and to put into our charts to show where we need extra contributors and how we are having an input and impact onto the work assigned / requested from other teams.
Rota for drafting notes:
➤ How can I help?
You can volunteer to contribute to notes for future meetings. Please note that the initial draft is needed by Friday 17.00 UTC each week to help with actions and follow-ups that might be needed.
Welcoming new contributors
New Attendees Welcome Thread
Marketing Contributor introductory sessions in 2021 – booking details
Get involved – starter tasks for new and returning contributors, and those who have pledged to support the team and need assistance to get started
Tasks, Working Groups, and Team Celebration
Celebrations Thread
Here’s everything that is worth celebrating and task updates during the last week:
- Marketing and communications campaign for Launch WordPress
- 5.6 Release and Core-Related Updates
- Project management and async contribution
- LinkedIn Updates
- New time for Global Marketing meetings
- Diverse speaker training promotions
- Any other updates/ items
Task Updates
Marketing and Communications Campaign for Learn WordPress
Update from the task groups by: @webcommsat and @nalininonstopnewsuk
- We are keeping many of the Learn promo videos as small, direct recording clips to enable more of those who have contributed over many years to have a chance to be involved in our promotions for the resource.
- We will have a few branded versions of the videos to use for wider circulation, but as content is still developing for Learn WordPress and it has taken hundreds of people to get to this point, we want to try and get a balance between the presentation of the short clips.
- We are aware that at this time many contributors are having difficulty with zoom and other video recording due to pressure on broadband services and limited access in some countries. We wanted to acknowledge that as Learn WordPress is a community resource produced by the community itself. Thanks to those who have contributed to how we present this to promote that inclusiveness and awareness, as well as acknowledging the access issues to video and broadband services varies considerably around the world.
- We are working on a six month campaign for Learn WordPress so there will be lots of opportunities for you to get involved and to share it too!
- Please read this post to see all the ways you can help promote Learn WordPress.
➤ How can I help?
- We need more contributors for: photo editing, video editing, monitoring, scheduling and pack drafting, as well as recording support. Some of this can be done asynchronously. If you can help, then let us know – please mention @lmurillom in the main marketing channel
- If you have networks which you think would be useful to promote Learn WordPress for launch and during the three to six month campaign we are working on, or if you can help with video and social graphics work, please let @meher and @webcommsat know
- To help with the ongoing editing work for the scheduled promotions, please let @webcommsat and @lmurillom know
- To help subtitling videos, please contact @meher
- We appreciate you sharing and engaging with items on the following channels:
5.6 Release and Core-Related Updates
Task Updates from contributing group member: @meher
- We continue to work on follow up materials, social media packs, slides, and images to help meetup groups with WordPress 5.6 outreach.You can view the latest version of the Questions and Answers on Github. Information for each audience appears on the topic page: Developers and General Users. The material will be split by audiences when it is produced on Dev Hub and HelpHub.
- Thank you to all the people who have contributed and worked many hours on these in the last two weeks: @angelasjin, @DaisyO, @webcommsat, @vimes1984, @meher, @OGlekler, @MegPhillips91, @yvettesonneveld, @annezazu, @lmurillom, @jellypixel, @marybaum @nalininonstopnewsuk, @marks99, @ugyensupport and all members of the release squad involved in this task.
➤ How can I help?
- We need further input from those familiar with the release and what landed on working on the suggested social media posts and creating content around the Q&As. Could you help with this? Please mention @lmurillom in the marketing channel on Slack if you can have been following the release and can assist.
- To promote the release, please share social media posts with the hashtag #WPRelease across LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.
Project management and async contribution
Update: on behalf of the team reps and projects group given by @webcommsat
Thank you to everyone who has inputted into the work we have been doing on project management and tools, and the testing. Many of our cross team tasks once they come out of the initial planning stage will be updated and tracked on GitHub. Thanks to @vimes1984 and @marks99 in particular for the work they have done on testing and setting up items, and for helping us with further work on this.
We have done a lot of work on sorting and updating tasks on the Trello board. We have also themed the ones in the ‘in progress’ channel to help new contributors / pledgers, returning contributors who have had a break and those looking for a related task. The testing has been invaluable and a big thank you to Nalini and the accessibility task group for their testing and list of issues that have difficulties for access.
We have tested various ways to help people contribute to async. We do have some final testing on this. Please can you let @meher know if you would be available to test and give feedback.
Thanks to @vimes1984 who has been giving input into details that organizations need to help their staff/ teams contribute. This has been very helpful and we are grateful for your time on this, and to @marks99 and the meetups that are giving input into how meetups can help their members get started. A big thank you to @andrewleonard who has joined the slack and has been giving us some assistance on a number of areas including, working with @bobbingwide and @OGlekler on tickets.
Google sheet / project management experience
We have also been working on a project management system which logs all enquiries, potential collaborations and the links to the information and messages.
➤ How can I help?
If you have a project management background and can help with this, please let me know. It has been a significant asset to us as a team and enabled us to better support other teams, share updates and build a GutHub process.
LinkedIn Updates
Update from co-ordinating team member: @lmurillom
The marketing team had a busy week of work and planning. Lots of happenings and announcements. Please do follow, share, and like our updates on LinkedIn. It’s quick and helps extend our reach.
Some of the examples from the Make WordPress Marketing Team channel on LinkedIn:
➤ How can I help?
Contribute by sharing the social media posts with the hashtag #LearnWP.
Please share announcements like the ones above, which you can find on the Make WordPress Marketing Team LinkedIn.
New time for Global Marketing meetings
We are aware many of our members are unable to join us until 15:00 UTC and we have been holding off on some of our collaborations in recent weeks with the change in daylight saving time to accommodate this.
So far, around 62% of the people have voted for 15:00 UTC.
Please complete this scheduling form to help us work out if we need to change the Global #marketing meeting time from January. We will announce the new timing in January 2021.
Diverse speaker training promotions
Update from task group member: @nalininonstopnewsuk
WordCamp Sevilla
WordCamp Sevilla takes place on the 26, 27, 28 and 29 of December 2020. Each day is going to be an online contributor day in which multiple teams will be together in the same room:
- 26 Dec 2020: Design and Marketing
- 27 Dec 2020: Core, Themes, Plugins and Hosting
- 28 Dec 2020: WordPressTV, Community and Support
- 29 Dec 2020: Accessibility, Polyglots, Docs, Training
Members from the global marketing team will be attending the Marketing table and will be helping with the Training table. Thanks to @nilovelez for involving the teams.
➤ How can I help?
If you are a Spanish speaker and can help with the marketing for the global team at this event, please mention @lmurillom on the Marketing Slack. She will be facilitating our global input together with @vimes1984.
Any other updates/ items
Calls were made for any further updates on tasks during the meeting and in the agenda planning earlier in the week.
We are aware a number of contributors have had to step away during the meeting due to announcements on COVID restrictions that are taking place. Thinking of you and thanks for letting us know.
Collaborations and planning
Encouraging Pledgers
Task: Early in 2021 we will be spending some time on this area, starting on 6 January. We are sharing this today to help contributors start thinking about how we can encourage those who have pledged to take an active part in the marketing team. Additionally, we will be working on clarifying the difference between adding your name to a pledge to give back via Marketing Team and actively taking part in the team, and helping people become more active on tasks.
This collaboration will be led by: @harryjackson1221
Slack thread:
Update from 18 December 2020 collaboration meetings
Hello everyone. Well done to everyone involved with the Learn WordPress and State of the Word. A big shout out to the project team and the marcomms training task group who have worked very long hours this week for the launch of Learn WordPress, and to those supporting the release communications.
We have a few collaborations today, let us know if you are around to help. We try at our task group collaboration sessions spread across the week to dedicate a slot for a short coffee break.
If you have not collaborated before but have skills in social media graphics work, photo editing, are an experienced developer familiar with the latest WordPress release, we can help you get started. We also have induction sessions for new contributors in January.
More information on this introduction sessions, tasks to get started and more, can be found on the Marketing Team homepage.
You can also contribute asynchronously to the collaborations and task updates from our weekly global meeting until 3pm UTC today (just scroll up for this week’s meeting).
This is our most urgent task today. Followed by Learn WordPress ongoing items.
Thanks to @webcommsat, @meher, @vimes1984, @lmurillom, @OGlekler, @marks99 and @MegPhillips91 who will continue to work on this during the next few days. Thanks to @angelasjin @DaisyO and @annezazu who have also contributed to this too in the last few weeks.
Do let us know if you are an experienced developer, familiar with the current release, and can assist too.
Forthcoming Diary Dates
If you need accessibility or language support to participate in any of our work and meetings, please let one of the team reps know in the marketing channel. We are keen to try and help and promote inclusion and diversity in the team.
Wednesday 23 December, 14:00 UTC – Global Marketing Team meeting in #Marketing Slack channel led by @meher and @nalininonstopnewsuk
Thursday 24 December 2020 – As it is Christmas eve and holiday in some countries, we will not be holding a Virtual Coffee Break. Back in January 2021 with our new programme of themed events.
Wednesday 30 December, 14:00 UTC – there will be no Global Marketing Team meeting
Wednesday, 30 December 2020, 5:00 UTC and 20:00 UTC – Dev Chat in #Core Slack channel
Thursday 31 December 2020 – As it is New Year eve, we are not having a Virtual Coffee Break, Marketing. We are planning themed Coffee Break sessions for 2021! Add your ideas to the spreadsheet.
Wednesday, 6 January 2021, 5:00 UTC and 20:00 UTC – Dev Chat in #Core Slack channel
Thank you everyone who has joined, attended, and updated the meeting, or contributed asynchronously in the last few days.
Next Marketing meeting
We will be back on 6 January 2021.
➤ How to get started?
If you were in the Marketing Team meeting and would like some extra help to get started to contribute to the project, contact @maedahbatool to get information about the next New Contributors Onboarding meeting.
[…] Updates on other tasks and previous meeting notes are in our Google doc. The link is shared in the meeting and is pinned in our Slack channel. Summaries are being posted on the blog, access has recently been re-established to enable this.Marketing Team homepage […]
[…] Updates on other tasks and previous meeting notes are in our Google doc. The link is shared in the meeting and is pinned in our Slack channel. Summaries are being posted on the blog, access has recently been re-established to enable this.Marketing Team homepage […]
[…] Updates on other tasks and previous meeting notes are in our Google doc. The link is shared in the meeting and is pinned in our Slack channel. Summaries are being posted on the blog, access has recently been re-established to enable this.Marketing Team homepage […]
[…] Updates on other tasks and previous meeting notes are in our team Google drive. The link is shared in the meeting and is pinned in our Slack channel. Summaries are posted on this blog. We have a short gap of posts from earlier in the year due to access and resource issues, thanks to @lmurillom who is working through these.Marketing Team homepage […]