Fabian Kägy
@fabiankaegy on WordPress.org and Slack
- Member Since: March 7th, 2018
- Location: Winnweiler, Germany
- Website: fabian-kaegy.com
- GitHub: fabiankaegy
- Job Title: Senior Front-End Engineer
- Employer: 10up
Contribution History
Fabian Kägy’s badges:- Core Contributor
- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
- WordCamp Speaker
Wrote a comment on the post Editor Chat Agenda: 29 September 2021, on the site Make WordPress Core:
https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/issues/35071 @ellatrix has a PR that needs to be reviewed for it and then it…3 days ago
Wrote a comment on the post Editor Chat Agenda: 29 September 2021, on the site Make WordPress Core:
I'd love to also add this ticket to the agenda in the Open Floor:3 days ago
Confirmed as a speaker for WordCamp Prague 2020
2 years ago
Created a topic, translating Gutenberg Plugins (wp_set_script_translations) not working, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I’m facing difficulties when trying to successfully …3 years ago
Created a topic, Correct way of translating Gutenberg Plugins (wp_set_script_translations), on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I'm facing difficulties when trying to successfully tr…3 years ago
Wrote a comment on the post Dev Chat Agenda: October 17th (5.0 Week 3), on the site Make WordPress Core:
Should there be a short update that twenty nineteen development started over on GitHub?3 years ago
Block for Apple Maps
Active Installs: 400+