These are the weekly notes for the Accessibility Team meeting that happens on Fridays. You can read the full transcript on our Slack channel and find the meeting’s agenda here.
Updates from Working Groups
Only Working Groups that provided updates are shown below.
@shawnandrews, who has been attending Accessibility Team’s weekly meetings in the past few months, has been nominated Design Team Rep.
During the bug-scrub before the meeting, the Team finished to go through all tickets in the Awaiting Review queue which hadn’t been addressed before: a few of them still need decisions, but at least all of them were reviewed.
The 5.9 release schedule has been published a few weeks ago.
Following are the dates of greatest interest for the Team.
- October 12th: Go / No-go meeting about Full Site Editing scope for 5.9
- November 9th: Feature freeze (only bug-fixing from this point on)
- November 16th: Beta 1 (only bug-fixing for bugs introduced during the 5.9 release cycle)
At the time of the meeting, there were 14 enhancements and 20 bugs milestoned for 5.9: the team will start to focus on them beginning with the next bug-scrub.
Following discussion on ticket #54075 about disabling the preview of legacy widgets in the block editor, @critterverse created a GitHub issue to allow for turning on and off the preview via the Preferences section of the Option menu. As always, all feedback is highly appreciated.
Also, notifications are now shown in the Accessibility Slack channel again when a new Gutenberg version is released and when the Needs Accessibility Feedback
label is added to an issue or to a pull request.
@joedolson reported that the Media Team has been also continuing to work through awaiting review items and shortlisted a few of them that will be possibily addressed in 5.9.
A few tickets are about very old issues, which may not be relevant anymore (a possible example is #23562, opened in 2013 and in need of testing from people using voice control tools).
The first step is to re-test these tickets: a list will be added as a comment to these meeting notes.
During bug-scrub, the Team reviewed a couple of tickets about the Twenty Twenty-One theme: feedback on one of them was asked to one of the original developers.
Open floor
Given the concurrent WordCamp US happening on Friday, October 1st, the bug-scrub and the meeting are cancelled.