X-post: WCEU Online 2020 Contributor Day: Submit your introduction videos, office hours times and introductory session needs this week

X-post from +make.wordpress.org/updates: WCEU Online 2020 Contributor Day: Submit your introduction videos, office hours times and introductory session needs this week

X-post: WCEU Online 2020 Contributor Day update: times, registration, platforms and team video introductions

X-post from +make.wordpress.org/updates: WCEU Online 2020 Contributor Day update: times, registration, platforms and team video introductions

WordPress.tv categories, esp. cities naming scheme

It started with a very simple question in the SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform https://slack.com/. The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at https://make.wordpress.org/chat/. Channel:

As it was me – both moderating on wordpress.tv, as well being once the leadorganizer of WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. Nuremberg and the WordPress MeetupMeetup All local/regional gatherings that are officially a part of the WordPress world but are not WordCamps are organized through https://www.meetup.com/. A meetup is typically a chance for local WordPress users to get together and share new ideas and seek help from one another. Searching for ‘WordPress’ on meetup.com will help you find options in your area. Nürnberg … wait, wait … we are already in the middle of the confusion …

A short step back in history: when 2016 the first WordCamp in Nürnberg was announced during the application and approval process also the website and the url for the subdomain was setup. After a short confusion of getting to ” … burg” nuremberg.wordcamp.org was established. At that time a local Meetup (obviously) existed and was part of the WordPress Meetup programm named “WordPress Meetup Nürnberg”. Same already existed years earlier for “Köln” vs. “Cologne” which might be even the first to be exposed to this issue.

German umlauts can be part of a TLD, but are still quite rare and when it comes to the complete URLURL A specific web address of a website or web page on the Internet, such as a website’s URL www.wordpress.org they simply don’t exist. The usual way to solve this is to write “ä” as “ae”, “ü” as “ue”, “ö” as “oe” and “ß” as “ss”. WordPress in german language setting does this by default when it comes to build the slug. Writing about the Cities of “Düsseldorf”, “Würzburg”, “München”, “Köln”, “Osnabrück” or “Nürnberg” therefore would be solved when the names appear in post-titles.

How to name them, when it comes to categories? Which is the case for publications on WordPress.tv which clusters videos by the location. Esp. with the naming conventions for URL namespaces in mind and the definition to use the english naming for events, regardless of the local name and – of course (see above about urls) of the local alphabet. At the moment we find different settings:

  1. Local name and english name of the City is the same – the easy part. Just name it and of you go. True at least for all english speaking countries.
  2. Local name and english name differ, but use the same alphabet. This is not only the case for German, but other languages based on the latin-alphabet. (en: Antwerp/be: Antwerpen). This case is tackled in different ways. Sometimes the local name is used (München, Würzburg, Norrköpping), sometimes the english one (Antwerp) and sometimes both exist as seperate categories (including some inconsistencies about the number of publications) side-by-side. Like for Köln/Cologne, Nürnberg/Nuremberg, which brings us back to our first question. But there’s more:
  3. Local name and english name differ in alphabets used. This is true for all Cities in Countries using cyrilic, korean, hindi, chinese, kanji and other alphabets. At the moment all of these are written in the english.

Sidenote: as wordpress.tv is setup in english, the slugs don’t reflect the correct umlauts at all. “ü” is transformed to “u” instead of “ue”, etc.

My first impulse was to come up with a naming convention similar to the languages where “German/Deutsch” live side-by-side in one tag. I learned that exactly this going to change soon: https://make.wordpress.org/tv/2020/02/16/wordpress-tv-language-changes/

Second idea would be to use just english names, which – maybe due to my new Kenyan home – feels a bit “colonialistic”.

Just using local names might not be useful at all in a global context.

This said, my suggestion would still be to come up with a naming which reflects both the english and – where it applies – the local name in one categoryCategory The 'category' taxonomy lets you group posts / content together that share a common bond. Categories are pre-defined and broad ranging., even if this would include different alphabets. The categories name for cities therefore would be something like:

{english name}[/{local name in their respective alphabet}] 

for the title and

{english name}[-{local name in their correct transformation}]  

for the slug. This would melt down the usage of the a.m. double categories to one only each and still would give enough local flavour and identity. Coming back to our original question therefore would have “Nuremberg/Nürnberg” as one category. The slug should read “nuremberg-nuernberg”. Moscow e.g. would be “Moscow/Москва” by title and “moscow-Москва” for the slug.

All comments and ideas are very welcome!

#city, #proposal

X-post: WordCamp Europe 2020 Contributor Day Update

X-post from +make.wordpress.org/updates: WordCamp Europe 2020 Contributor Day Update

Congratulations to the new WordPress.tv team reps

First of all thank you to have voted for your new team reps. I’m happy to announce that Nisha Singh (@nishasingh) and Rahul D Sarker (@rahuldsarker) have been chosen by all of you. Congratulations to both!

We will be continuing this journey together to guide you all in WordPress.tv world.

WordPress.tv Team Rep – Vote now!

Dear WPTV contributors, time has come to choose 2 (two!) new team reps for WordPress.tv, so you will have a total of 3 co-reps to support you.

The voting form can be found here and will remain open until March 13, 14:00 UTC.

You can select a maximum of 2 names out of the following nominations:

Thanks already to all 3 wanting to take the role!

The form is requesting Google credentials (to avoid people by accident voting twice). If you don’t have them, contact me directly to cast your vote and I’ll make sure it gets added.

All responses will be viewed only by Michael and myself (Pascal) and all data will be destroyed shortly after the announcement of the outcome.

Thank you all!

WordPress.tv language changes


Languages on WordPress.tv are currently managed as tags that are applied to videos. A review is needed on how to deal with languages for 2 reasons:

  1. YouTube: The current language name/slugs are not compatible with YouTube.
  2. Subtitles: The proposed language list for the subtitles is coming from VideoPress and are different from WordPress.tv and YouTube

Therefor I have a proposal below that I would like you all to comment on.

Current As-is situation

On the WordPress.tv back-end videos get a language tag. The tag has a Slug and a Name. Based on the slug you could see all videos in a certain language on the site e.g. https://wordpress.tv/language/germandeutsch/ or in the APIAPI An API or Application Programming Interface is a software intermediary that allows programs to interact with each other and share data in limited, clearly defined ways. e.g. https://wordpress.tv/api/videos.json?language=germandeutsch

When uploading a subtitle on WordPress.tv, the list is taken from VideoPress. Check the full list by inspecting any video page :

YouTube has the most complete list, based on ISO639-1 two-letter codes, and also accepts locales like fr-ca:


Languages are pretty stable and, ones set, hardly need a change. A tag as it is today would be sufficient, but it should include the unique codes of all different platforms. Languages should also be added ONLY if they exist on both VideoPress and youTube. If a locale does not exist (fr_BE), but the ‘main’ language (fr) exist, then that could be accepted of course. So the following tags could be created:

Name (English)slugwpglotpressvideopressYouTube
French (France)fr-frfr_FRfrfrfr-FR
French (Belgium)fr-befr_BEfr-befrfr-BE
Spanish (Spain)es-eses_ESeseses-ES
Spanish (Argentina)es-ares_ARes-areses-419

A dropdown with the above English names could be used on:

The site should be changed from https://wordpress.tv/language/germandeutsch/ to https://wordpress.tv/language/de

The API would change from https://wordpress.tv/api/videos.json?language=germandeutsch to https://wordpress.tv/api/videos.json?language=de

One doubt: Do we keep both French fr and French (France) fr-fr in the list?

All comments very welcome!

Embracing YouTube – Meeting 1

Today we had our first meeting, a brainstorming on where to start to use YouTube in a more effective way for Contribution and Viewing.

Present: @casiepa, @davidperez, @lorenzof, @pablo-moratinos, @sabernhardt

@casiepa started by explaining some (current) constraints in this short presentation.

The team then discussed the following items:

  • Keep 1 form for upload but add an indication if the video is finished or still needs editing
    • If finished, direct upload to YouTube
    • If not finished, upload to AWS (or WPTV), add links on how to edit videos and indicate timing issue
  • How to deal with a public form and upload to YouTube, can this be done?
  • YouTube accepts almost any file format of any size. After transcoding an mp4 file could be downloaded and stored on WPTV as archive
  • Our current WPTV should show the ‘local’ video in VideoPress only if there is no video on YouTube.
  • Most of the metadata still need to be stored on WPTV as YouTube cannot handle those.
  • Proposal is to have all videos starting 1-Jan-2018 on YouTube
  • Categories for e.g. languages, speakers, year should be reflected in YouTube

Items of attention:

  • Hashtags are public, what if some other videos, not WP related, also use e.g. #SEO?
  • How to deal with comments on WPTV and YouTube? Synchronisation from YT to WPTV? iframeiframe iFrame is an acronym for an inline frame. An iFrame is used inside a webpage to load another HTML document and render it. This HTML document may also contain JavaScript and/or CSS which is loaded at the time when iframe tag is parsed by the user’s browser.?
  • YouTube CC license is not ShareAlike

Suggested actions:

  1. Start adapting the language codes on WPTV
  2. Adapt WPTV videos to have a metaMeta Meta is a term that refers to the inside workings of a group. For us, this is the team that works on internal WordPress sites like WordCamp Central and Make WordPress. tag with the YouTube unique ID
  3. Talk to Google/WPTV team about the public form and upload
  4. Talk to WPTV team about the YouTube CC license (CC and not CC-SA)

Next meeting in some weeks, date/time to be agreed on #wptv


WordPress.tv vs YouTube – Brainstorming 1

Hi WordPress.tv fans,

Last year the discussion around YouTube and willingness to include YouTube into our current process for bringing videos to the WordPress World has increased, so the time has come to get some ideas together and find a way to embrace new ways of sharing and viewing videos, and collaborating on e.g. subtitles in different ways.

Let’s have a first zoom meeting so I can explain what is currently happening in YouTube, how videos get on https://youtube.com/wordpress at this moment (divided into playlists) and why we should not just ‘switch completely to YouTube’.

If you have ideas, have experience in other projects related to this or even just want to listen, please indicate your preference on this doodle so we can schedule our first YouTube brainstorming.

The link to zoom will be given on the slackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform https://slack.com/. The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at https://make.wordpress.org/chat/. #wptv channel some time before the start.

Notice/disclaimer: I will record the meeting, but only for the purpose of my personal notes that I want to create at the end.

Please indicate your preference in doodle before Tue 11-Feb 09:00 AM Central European Time.

Hope to see you all!



X-post: Get Involved Table at WordCamp Asia 2020

X-post from +make.wordpress.org/community: Get Involved Table at WordCamp Asia 2020