The WordPress core development team builds WordPress! Follow this site for general updates, status reports, and the occasional code debate. There’s lots of ways to contribute:
All release decisions will ultimately be this release teams’ to make and communicate while gathering input from the community. There will not be a new bundled theme included in 5.7.
From this point on, no more commits for any new enhancements or feature requests in this release cycle, only bug fixes, and inline documentation. Work can continue on enhancements/feature requests not completed and committed by this point and can be picked up for commit again at the start of the WordPress 5.8 development cycle.
Get your patches done and submitted as soon as possible, then help find people to test the patches and leave feedback on the ticket. Patches for enhancements will not be committed after the dates posted above so that we can all focus on squashing bugs and deliver the most bug-free WordPress ever 😉