Taiwan Open Source Community is Supported by 科斯高 (GOSCUP).
WordCamp 相聚,無所畏『距』
WFH (work from home) cannot stop us.
Let’s WFH (WordPress from home).
WordCamp Taiwan 2021 @ 2021/12/11-12/12 Gather Town
大家引頸期盼的 WordCamp 回來啦!今年我們首次打破地域的限制,舉辦全台灣最盛大的 WordCamp ,讓世界各地熱愛 WordPress 的好朋友可以在線上與我們共襄盛舉。
The WordCamp that everyone has been longing for is back!
This year, for the first time, we are breaking the geographical barrier and throwing the biggest WordCamp in Taiwan, so that WordPress lovers from all over the world can join us online.
What’s better is that the ticket is totally free! Follow our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to get the latest updates!
Call for Speaker has closed. Calling for Lightning Talks is coming soon.

「WordCamp」是由喜歡 WordPress 的社群夥伴們,自發性舉辦之聚會。期許每一位參加者都可以自在的徜徉其中,一起學習新知、交流心得和腦力激盪。
WordCamp is a voluntary event organized by the local WordPress community. We hope that each participant can feel free to explore, learn new knowledge, exchange ideas, and inspire each other.

最新消息 / News

有貓萬事足… 誰說的?WFH趣事系列|貓咪篇
因為 COVID-19 疫情時好時壞,很多人都經歷了一段長時間在家工作的日子,雖然不用到公司上班很自由、省去通 …
提高生產力的5件 WFH 必備小物
一想到可以在家工作時,第一件事應該就是妝點自己的辦公桌和電腦吧!仔細考慮在家工作 WFH 時需要什麼才能提高工 …
為什麼我收不到信件? Why You Might Not Be Receiving Email From Us.
因目前有幾位講者向議程組反應,信件會被歸類至垃圾信件中,希望已投稿的夥伴,撥冗在這兩日「檢查垃圾信件夾中是否有 …
閱讀全文〈為什麼我收不到信件? Why You Might Not Be Receiving Email From Us.〉
時間表 / Timeline
時間表 / Timeline
2021.09.27講者公開招募Speaker Application Start
2021.09.27公開招募贊助Sponsor Application Open
2021.10.15講者公開招募截止Speaker Application Close
2021.10.27公布講者名單Speaker Announcement
2021.11.04公開售票Ticket Sale Start
2021.12.10前夜祭(線上)Before Party (online)
2021.12.11活動 Day 1Event Day 1
2021.12.12活動 Day 2Event Day 2