Moving to Bi-Weekly Meetings

We had our team meeting a few days ago (Oct 6) in #design  on Slack. One of the topics was around the scheduling of our meetings. Currently, we do a weekly meeting with the last meeting of the month being on Zoom.

One of the agenda items for our meeting was to discuss moving to a bi-weekly schedule. Since everyone in attendance seemed to be in favor of the change we’ll be starting this new schedule immediately. Next week (Oct 13) there will be no formal meeting. Our next meeting (Oct 20) will take place at the normal time (18:00 UTC) and will be on Zoom.

While there will be less formal, synchronous time, I encourage everyone to continue to share progress, suggest issues, and ask for help in #design on SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at at any time.

In addition to informal Slack chatter, there’s also some ongoing “Hallway Hangout” sessions happening throughout each week. These casual hangout sessions usually take place on Zoom and topics vary. Sometimes they are planned ahead, and other times they’re spur of the moment sessions announced in Slack.

Come join us in Slack and I hope to see you at a future meeting.

#meeting-agenda, #meeting-notes