@audrasjb led the chat on this agenda. You can also read the Slack logs.
Highlighted blog posts
Bringing to your attention some interesting reads and some call for feedback and/or volunteers:
After 1.5 year, @francina and @audrasjb decided to pass the Core Team Representative baton for 2022. Everyone can nominate the people they think are best suited to be our new Core team reps, just comment in the above post.
Upcoming releases updates
Next minor release: WP 5.8.2
@desrosj confirmed WP 5.8.2 Release Candidate is still planned for Tuesday November 2, with a few tickets including #54207 which has been quite a pain for many, so fixing it sooner rather than later is best.
Next major release: WP 5.9
First the Release Squad for WordPress 5.9 was published. If anyone is interested in volunteering for one of the roles needing more help, please comment on that post. If anyone has any questions about the release squad roles, some answers are available in the Core team handbook.
@audrasjb and @chaion07 published the 5.9 Bug scrub schedule.
Next scrubs are scheduled on Thursday, October 28, 2021 at 08:00 PM UTC and on Friday, October 29, 2021 at 06:00 AM UTC.
Please note that anyone can run a bug scrub. Checkout the Leading Bug Scrubs section in the Core handbook.
Also, a WordPress 5.9 Editor Update (26 October) was published.
Component maintainers updates
The Slack Notifications workflow was modified to be a reusable one. See changeset [51921] and some follow-up changes on ticket #53363.
Work has continued on various coding standards fixes in core. See tickets #53359, #54177, #54279, #54295 for more details.
Two tickets are getting closer to commit but not completely there. Copy reviews are done, the component maintainers have new patches. Should be able to commit both by next Monday’s component scrub.
Open Floor
@craigfrancis wanted to discuss #54042, as I’d like to make the IN()
operator easier/safer, and likewise with quoting table/field identifiers. Given the amount of information shared in the PR, @audrasjb moved this ticket to 5.9, but it will need a deep review as soon as possible to be committed ahead of the feature freeze which is the target for such enhancements.
@marybaum asked if there is still feature freeze a week or so ahead of beta 1. Feature freeze is scheduled on November 9th, and Beta 1 is on the 16th.
@afragen shared a message of @peterwilsoncc from the #core-auto-updates
Slack channel. The Upgrade/Install team will meet in this channel on next Tuesday to discuss a proposal concerning the Plugin Dependencies feature.
#5-8-x, #5-9, #dev-chat, #summary
Added to today’s dev chat!