PROPOSAL: Learner achievements on profiles

A planned feature for Learn is integration with profiles. There’s already an open issue on GitHub for recognising contributors with badges, so I’d like to nail down what kind of thing we would like to see regarding recognising learner achievements on profiles.

Here’s my proposal:

  • An activity stream entry whenever a learner completes a full course.
  • A persistent line showing the learner’s average grade on Learn WordPress – I envision this in the top right info block above the social links, but happy to be shown otherwise.
  • A new tab under ‘Activity’ called ‘Learning’ (or similar) that shows all of the courses they have completed along with their average grade for the course and what date they completed it on. This could also show individual lessons completed along with the relevant grades, or any other learning data that we have, but I think that courses will be the primary thing here.
  • A ‘Learner’ badge for everyone who has completed at least one course. This badge could use the same icon as the Training Team badge, but in a different colour.

One caveat is that we don’t have a lot of courses on the site at this stage, but that is changing as we develop new content so my hope is that we will have these rewards in place now and as content is created the rewards will flow naturally.

The goal here is twofold:

  1. To surface learning data as a way to make Learn WordPress more valuable to people, not to mention more prominent and visible
  2. To provide motivation for people to take courses

Is there anything else we could do on profiles to recognise learner achievements? Once we have agreement on this proposal it can be moved over to GitHub for implementation.