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Sida skapad - 29 september 2017
Have you signed-up to the #WPPolyglots new newsletter? Get the #WordPress translation monthly email, starting this week.
WordPress Foundation Email Forms
WordPress Foundation Email Forms
Did you catch our recap of the 2021 #WPTranslationDay events? Find out all the news and discover the highlights from our local organizers. You can also read about the contributors who were nominated by the community for their awesome efforts and dedication to make the software and its resources available in so many languages across the world.…/celebrating-wordpress-trans…/
The sixth edition of WordPress Translation Day in 2021 was a success thanks to the efforts of many community translators across the globe. Read about the events and impact.
The sixth edition of WordPress Translation Day in 2021 was a success thanks to the efforts of many community translators across the globe. Read about the events and impact.