WordPress 5.9 ready to be translated

WordPress 5.9, planned for January 25, 2022, is now ready to be translated on translate.wordpress.org!

The new strings are in the development projects. The strings for WordPress 5.8 have been moved to projects/wp/5.8.x.

As for previous releases, most of new strings are related to updates to the block editor. Thus existing translations from the Gutenberg project have been copied to the WordPress project.
WordPress 5.9 is now in soft string freeze. The remaining strings for the updated about page and a new welcome panel should follow soon.

The upcoming release will also include a new default theme, Twenty Twenty-Two. You can translate the theme in this project.

Happy translating! 🌏🌍🌎

A note for locales which have also translated wp-config-sample.php and/or readme.html: There were some updates which you may want to adopt in your localized file. You can find the changes in this and this changeset (green means new).

#5-9, #announcement