Call for Volunteers

All WordCamps need volunteers to help run the show alongside event organisers. Everything from manning the swag station to ticket sales enquiries and even ensuring the microphones are set up is managed by our volunteers.

We will follow all COVID rules and recommendations to keep this event safe for everyone.

WordCamp Europe 2022 needs you!

With all the work and the good times ahead in mind, we’re delighted to announce that the application for Volunteers for WCEU 2022 is now open!

Why volunteer?

The quality of a WordCamp depends entirely on the people who give their time to make it happen. Being a volunteer is more than lending a hand, it is the secret sauce that makes a WordCamp a WordCamp!

So what’s in it for you?

  • It is the perfect opportunity to get involved with WordPress. WordPress exists beyond being the world’s most popular website Content Management System (CMS). WordPress also has a powerful and growing community, who are empowered, connected and inspired by WordCamps. Volunteering makes you an integral part of the WordPress global project.
  • You’ll meet folks from across Europe and the world with a shared passion: fellow volunteers, attendees, speakers and sponsors. Not only is this a great opportunity for starting or strengthening friendships, but also for networking and developing professional relationships.
  • You’ll get a look behind the scenes of organising one of the biggest WordCamps.
  • We’ll keep you in top condition, with food and refreshments throughout the event, and you can avoid the lines at the main conference food and drink stations.
  • You will receive an exclusive volunteer’s t-shirt to wear at the event and show off in the future.
  • You will get a FREE ticket to WordCamp Europe 2022, which grants you access not only to the entire event, but also the After Party and a special pre-conference Volunteers Social! Plus, you’ll become a member of the WCEU family.

What’s the commitment?

Volunteering is vitally important, so we do have some specific guidelines, but we also want you to have fun! Here’s what to expect.

Time commitment

Don’t worry, you won’t be scheduled to work for the entire event. We ask you to commit to a maximum of two half days or one full day so you have time to enjoy WCEU as an attendee.


Specific responsibilities vary by role, examples include Room Management, Swag Station, Registration Desk, Communications, and Speaker Support. We will soon post a page with all the possible Volunteer Roles.

Regardless of your role, you’ll be expected to:

  • be the friendly face of WCEU and the WordPress project, abiding by the Code of Conduct at all times and working to be as helpful as you can throughout the conference
  • attend a Volunteer Orientation on the afternoon of Contributor Day ( 2nd of June 2022 ), the day before the event begins
  • perform volunteer duties as assigned, giving two half days or one full day during the conference.


Be aware of the following key dates:

  • Call for Volunteers closes on 31st of March 2022.
  • The sooner you apply, the sooner you will be informed if you have been selected. We’ll do our best to answer back to you within two weeks after your application. So don’t delay!
  • The entire selection process will be concluded on the 16th of April 2022.

The Call for Volunteers will be open until 31 March 2022, so make sure to send in your application before the deadline.

Apply as Volunteer!

Fields marked with * are required

Tell us about yourself: