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30 Oct 20 - 6 Sep 22
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About WordCamp Bern 2017

We’re delighted that the next Swiss WordPress Conference is being held in Switzerland’s federal city!

Here in Switzerland, the regular WordCamps bring people together from all over: not just the French-, Italian- and German-speaking parts of the country, but from all over Europe.

Contributor Day – Friday, 8th September

Sign up to learn how to contribute back to WordPress. You don’t need to be a developer to contribute: experts will help you and allow you to contribute whatever you can.

WordCamp Bern – Saturday, 9th September

The main event, with talks in different fields like SEO, performance and managing your WordPress business.

Keep in touch

If you’d like to keep up-to-date on what’s happening, then you can follow us on Twitter or Facebook, or reach out to us via Slack. All of our contact details are here.

Support the WordPress Conference in Switzerland

WordCamps are non-profit events, organized by people from within the community on a voluntary basis. We rely to companies to support us so that we are able to organize these events.

Our Sponsors

Without whom WordPress Bern 2017 couldn’t take place!




37% of all online stores are powered by WooCommerce. Built on WordPress, WooCommerce is a fully customizable, open source eCommerce solution.

Whether you’re selling a few handcrafted items to a niche market, taking an existing business online, or going global with an enterprise level eCommerce business – WooCommerce will get you set up and selling fast and scale securely as you grow. Plus your content will be forever yours and customizable down to the finest button color.

Developed and supported by a distributed team, WooCommerce is powered by Automattic, the creators of WordPress.com.



Jetpack is a free WordPress plugin that simplifies managing your sites. This single plugin enables Photon (a global CDN for images), uptime monitoring, brute force protection, traffic-boosting tools, single sign on, multiple-site management, and automatic or bulk plugin updates. Additionally Jetpack includes several features that help you customize the look and feel of your site without installing other tools. More information can be found at jetpack.com.



As the largest Swiss web hosting provider, Hostpoint hosts more than 225,000 websites and maintains one of the most modern and stable infrastructures available. Hostpoint experts advise and assist private individuals and SMEs on a daily basis and all data is stored in Switzerland. This means your platform is effective and secure.




GoDaddy Pro is a free membership program for web developers, designers & agencies. It offers exclusive tools to help onboard, manage and maintain multiple clients and their sites fast and easy. With GoDaddy Pro tools, you can easily shop for your client, monitor their sites, and manage their products from a single dashboard. Additionally, your membership includes advanced 24/7 technical support and rewards for recommending GoDaddy to your clients.

You can use GoDaddy Pro with all of GoDaddy’s newly refreshed hosting products, including Managed WordPress, cPanel shared hosting, our brand new cloud product, and our virtual and dedicated solutions.

And, always get the best price on GoDaddy products with your “30% off list price” member benefit.

Learn more about GoDaddy Pro.



Bluehost has been a WordPress partner since 2005 and powers over 1 million WordPress sites worldwide. Their objective is to help customers, whether novice or pro, create a thriving online presence at an affordable price. With a team of in-house tech experts available 24/7, Bluehost dedicates time and resources to providing the best support and services in the industry. Join millions of other site owners and see what Bluehost can do for you and your online presence.



Ihr Web-Projekt ist unsere Herausforderung. Sie brauchen eine neue Website? Eine Landingpage oder einen Online-Shop? Sprechen Sie mit uns. Gemeinsam finden wir die beste Lösung. Mit unserer Managed-Lösung haben Sie den Kopf frei für die Inhalte auf Ihrer Website, während wir für deren reibungslosen Betrieb sorgen. Bei uns bekommen Sie eine laufend aktualisierte und getestete WordPress-Installation, durchgehendes Monitoring und Backups – alles in der Schweiz gehostet. Mehr informationen zu comotive.

Say Hello

Say Hello

We are a small and modern web agency creating handcrafted digital solutions based on WordPress. Find out more about Say Hello.

switchplus ag

switchplus ag

switchplus ist Ihr Partner für zuverlässige und unkomplizierte Internetprodukte – von der Registrierung des Domain-Namens über Web, Mail, CMS Hosting und Hosted Exchange sowie passenden Schulungen erhalten Kunden alles aus einer Hand. switchplus ist eine Tochter der Stiftung SWITCH. Wir bringen die Erfahrung und Kompetenz mit, die Sie von uns erwarten.



Order the best website translations directly within WordPress without any copying and pasting. We are the only Swiss translation agency that offers a WordPress Polylang plugin where you can order translations into more than 30 languages. All our translators are handpicked professionals and every order is double-checked with internal QA procedures. A Swiss project manager personally oversees all of your orders.



Hoststar – Multimedia Networks AG mit Sitz in Fraubrunnen BE wurde 1996 als Einzelfirma von Claude Hofer gegründet und beschäftig heute rund 30 Mitarbeitende. Das Unternehmen gehört zu den grössten Schweizer Hosting-Anbietern und bietet seine Dienstleistungen vorwiegend in der Schweiz und Österreich an. Rund 80 000 Kunden setzen auf die Lösungen von Hoststar. Insgesamt betreut das Unternehmen mehr als 110 000 Domains. Einsteigern bietet Hoststar den Designer für das einfache und schnelle Erstellen von Websites an. Erfahrene und Profis können Ihre Webauftritte mit CMS wie WordPress komplett selbstständig umsetzten. Hoststar stellt ihnen die notwendige Plattform zur Verfügung.



Savvii Managed WordPress Hosting helps you to become more successful with your WordPress sites by making them faster, more secure and easier to manage. During WordCamp Bern we will introduce our services on servers in Switzerland! At Savvii you will also get your own German and English-speaking account manager. Savvii is ISO 27001 and 9001 certified, which means you can be sure your data is in good hands.



RAIDBOXES offers specialized WordPress Hosting for agencies, designers and internet professionals. Due to faster and secure websites and a very simple user interface and administration users save time and money, which they can invest into their main business.




[DE] WPML ermöglicht es WordPress-Webseiten mehrsprachig zu betreiben ohne dabei auf Caching-, SEO- und E-Commerce-Plugins verzichten zu müssen. Sowohl kleine Blogs als auch umfassende Multipages werden von WPML unterstützt.

WPML ermöglicht es dem Benutzer sämtliche Inhalte nach seinen Vorstellungen zu übersetzen. Dazu zählen beispielsweise Beiträge, Menüs, Widgets, Theme und Plugin Texte. WPML wird weltweit auf über 500.000 kommerziellen Webseiten eingesetzt.

Weitere Informationen dazu, wie Sie Ihre Webseite mehrsprachig gestalten können, finden Sie auf WPML.org.

Wir sind immer auf der Suche nach neuen Talenten. Wenn Sie ein Programmierer sind, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte hier: http://wpml.org/home/were-hiring/.

[EN] WPML turns WordPress websites multilingual. It works with caching, SEO and E-Commerce plugins, and allows the building of complete multilingual sites. WPML powers simple blogs as well as corporate and enterprise sites.

WPML allows users to translate everything in the site, including content, menus, widgets and even theme and plugin texts. WPML powers over 500,000 commercial websites from all over the world.

More information about going multilingual can be found at WPML.org

We are looking for talent. If you are a smart programmer you are welcome to contact us here: http://wpml.org/home/were-hiring/.



AlpHosting is a small hosting company that enjoys closeness to its customers. We love WordPress and are happy to help you build and optimise your online presence with it!

We pride ourselves in having snappy and underloaded servers and we strive to be developer friendly with features such as custom PHP configurations and modules, SSH access and ample resources.

For our most successful customers, we provide VPS and dedicated servers tailored to their needs.

View our WordPress hosting offers at :



Whether it’s WordPress development, interaction design, user experience and user testing or a clean visual website that works across all devices, we can help you to develop elegant web-solutions with a keen focus on the end user’s needs.



Freshjobs ist eine Jobplattform für Stellen im Web-Umfeld. Wir richten uns an die Gruppe der Webprofessionals (Designer, Frontender, Entwickler, Projektleiter/Consultants und weitere Web-Spezialisten). Alle Inserate auf Freshjobs werden durch unsere Kunden erfasst und von uns freigegeben. Somit stellen wir sicher, dass auf Freshjobs nur Jobinserate, welche für unsere Benutzer von Interesse sind, publiziert werden.

Dream Production AG

Dream Production AG

Dream Production ist die WordPress Agentur für Brands mit hohen Ansprüchen. Als Webagentur entwickeln wir schöne Webseiten, Online Shops und Apps.



SiteGround, with over 13 years in the business, provides top-notch managed WordPress hosting! Their servers, available in 5 data centres on 3 continents, are optimised for ultimate WordPress speed and security and they provide many goodies for the WordPress fans – automatic updates, WordPress SuperCacher, staging tool, WordPress autoinstaller & more – all crafted in-house by the SiteGround team.

They also have a support team of WP enthusiasts that is available 24/7 by phone, chat and ticketing. SiteGround has been actively supporting various WordCamps and by sponsoring WordCamp Brighton, they want to further contribute to the amazing WordPress community.



WebKinder is a digital agency based in Lucerne, Switzerland. We do everything with and around WordPress. We develop websites, online shops and provide deep SEO know-how. Six WebKinder who are dedicated to WordPress and the ecosystem around it, will help you to push your business.

cubetech GmbH

cubetech GmbH

cubetech is now the biggest dedicated WordPress agency in Switzerland. As a full service agency, we create outstanding web and e-commerce projects, based on the world’s leading CMS: WordPress. Our know-how covers a wide range of services, from online communication concepts, usability and user experience (UX) to screen design and custom theme and plugin development. We also provide a wide range of online marketing, hosting and maintenance support services. Customers like Post, SBB/BLS, Amnesty, Dyson and many more have placed their trust in our outstanding services. Are you ready to work with an outstanding agency? Contact us at cubetech.ch.



cyon ist Dein Partner für superschnelles WordPress-Hosting in der Schweiz. Ob Webhosting oder Speedserver, wir haben die passende Lösung für Deine kleinen und grossen WordPress-Projekte. Oder möchtest Du Deinen Kunden gleich selbst Hosting für WordPress anbieten? Mit dem Agencyserver ziehst Du alle Fäden und kannst Dich dabei auf unsere Hosting-Erfahrung aus über 14 Jahren verlassen. Unser Support-Team steht Dir bei Fragen schnell und kompetent zur Seite. Deine WordPress-Website ist auf unseren eigenen Servern im Rechenzentrum in Basel zu Hause. Wir freuen uns auf Dich.

Inpsyde GmbH

Inpsyde GmbH

From blogs to business sites, e-commerce to high-end intranet solutions, Inpsyde has built enterprise-oriented products and services with WordPress since 2006. The company develops and maintains popular plugins like MultilingualPress, BackWPup.
Open Source is at the core of Inpsyde’s identity. The agency was founded by the same group of people who first translated WordPress into German and started a German WordPress community.
We are proud to say that we are one of only 13 WordPress VIP partners and 1 of 7 official WooCommerce Gold experts worldwide. It reflects our profound know-how in WooCommerce and WordPress.

Infomaniak Network

Infomaniak Network

Infomaniak is the No. 1 Swiss web hosting provider and offers shared SSD web hosting, SSD Cloud servers, housing and video/audio streaming services. The company is active all over Europe, and it stands out for its socially responsible policies and specific commitment to the environment.




Yoast helps you get the most out of your website. You might be familiar with our Yoast SEO WordPress plugin . With over 7,5 million active installs, Yoast SEO is one of the most popular WordPress plugins worldwide. And there’s more. We love to teach you how to make your site rank. So apart from SEO plugins, Yoast offers online SEO courses and eBooks to help you understand and practice SEO yourself. No time to do it yourself? We also provide consultancy and take care of your site’s SEO in our SEO Care program.

In Kind



printzessin.ch ist die günstige, schnelle Online-Druckerei. Einfach Druckdaten hochladen und online drucken. Damit Printzessin so schnell drucken kann, brauchts ein ganzes Heer von Rittern, Dienern und Boten. Wir sagen dir, wie die Online-Druckerei funktioniert.



StickerGiant is an e-commerce company that prints custom stickers and product labels. They make it fast, fun and easy to order with quality guaranteed. Every sticker has a story. What’s yours?

cubetech GmbH

cubetech GmbH

cubetech is now the biggest dedicated WordPress agency in Switzerland. As a full service agency, we create outstanding web and e-commerce projects, based on the world’s leading CMS: WordPress. Our know-how covers a wide range of services, from online communication concepts, usability and user experience (UX) to screen design and custom theme and plugin development. We also provide a wide range of online marketing, hosting and maintenance support services. Customers like Post, SBB/BLS, Amnesty, Dyson and many more have placed their trust in our outstanding services. Are you ready to work with an outstanding agency? Contact us at cubetech.ch.




Weglot Translate is an innovative and performing multilingual plugin to easily translate and display any website in multiple languages, within minutes. Already trusted by more than 10,000+ websites.

MH Themes

MH Themes

MH Themes is a theme shop for Premium WordPress Themes, specialized in Magazine WordPress Themes. MH Themes offers professional templates for online magazines, news websites, blogs and other editorial websites.



Websites mit Bludit und WordPress.

flake GmbH

flake GmbH

flake GmbH gestaltet und entwickelt innovative WordPress Lösungen

Hadorn AG

Hadorn AG

Agentur für individuelle WordPress- und WooCommerce-Lösungen



Typograf und Frontend-Developer

W.I.B.S.S. Informatik Sulke

W.I.B.S.S. Informatik Sulke

Ich biete Ihnen eine zielgerichtete, kompetente, ganzheitliche IT-Betreuung und IT-Beratung für Ihre Unternehmung. Dabei bin ich spezialisiert auf kleine Unternehmungen und Selbstständige, für die ich die gesamte IT-Bandbreite bediene: vom Aufbau Ihrer Website bis zum laufenden Support Ihrer Software und Hardware. Sie profitieren dabei von meiner 30-jährigen IT-Erfahrung.



Wir konzentrieren uns auf das Open Source CMS von WordPress und das Shopsystem von WooCommerce. Wir bieten Ihnen auch nach der Fertigstellung ihres Projektes ein rundum Sorglos-Paket und lassen Sie nicht im Regen stehen. Für alle die gerne viel selber machen, bieten wir Einzel-Schulungen und Kurse in WordPress, WooCommere und Avada.

écran double sàrl

écran double sàrl

We are 100% focused on digital signage, experts in data-driven signage using WordPress and SpinetiX media players.