Pieterjan Deneys
@nekojonez on WordPress.org , @NekoJonez on Slack
- Member Since: January 15th, 2014
- Location: Belgium
- Website: arpegi.wordpress.com
- GitHub: NekoJonez
- Job Title: IT Admin
- Employer: Kunsthumaniora Sint Lucas Gent
WordPress Origin Story
Contribution History
Pieterjan Deneys’s badges:- BuddyPress Contributor
- Core Contributor
- Meta Contributor
- Plugin Developer
- Test Contributor
- Translation Contributor
- Translation Editor
Posted a reply to Translations are incomplete., on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Also @loginizer, when you release this update... Feel free to ping me. I'll update the… -
Created a topic, Translation issues, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi there! I use this plugin for a lot of websites of… -
Posted a reply to Translations issue, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Never mind, I was also running a plugin that also downloads a language pack before… -
Created a topic, Translations issue, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Today I worked on the translation of nl_BE and it's no… -
Posted a reply to Translations are incomplete., on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Just doing my "job" as a translator here on WP.org :) (With the quotes I… -
Posted a reply to Bug report customizer, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I'll do that tomorrow. Kinda busy at the moment with other work stuff. :/ -
Wrote a comment on the post PTE Request for DHL Parcel for WooCommerce, on the site Translate WordPress:
Sadly enough not yet. Feel free to contact me over Slack about strings you don't… -
Created a topic, Bug report customizer, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
So, when you scrollwheel click while in the customizer… -
Created a topic, Sidebar issue, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello there I'm trying to have a sidebar on the posts… -
Created ticket #55449 on Core Trac:
More filter options for searching theme's & plugins - "Last updated" / ... -
Created a topic, Dutch translation, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi @patriot1911 Thank you for submitting the Dutch tr… -
Created a topic, Translations are incomplete., on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello there. Belgian GTE here. A few texts can't be t… -
Wrote a comment on the post PTE Request for DHL Parcel for WooCommerce, on the site Translate WordPress:
Since I don't have a reply button anymore to avoid too long threads here... @dhlparcel,… -
Wrote a comment on the post PTE Request for DHL Parcel for WooCommerce, on the site Translate WordPress:
In terms of names, of course. I would find it quite strange to see translated… -
Wrote a comment on the post PTE Request for DHL Parcel for WooCommerce, on the site Translate WordPress:
for nl_BE, I have talked it over with @jeroenrotty and we don't want to have… -
Posted a reply to home > huis, on the site Support forums:
Sorry voor de late reactie @efveter, je zal het mss al gemerkt hebben dat de… -
Posted a reply to Afbeeldingen zoeken, on the site Support forums:
Werken jullie met dezelfde browser/versie? Met dezelfde machine (BV, jij met een windows en zij… -
Posted a reply to Aanpassingen niet zichtbaar, on the site Support forums:
Nu, ik lees dat je de browser cache al hebt geleegd... Heb je de website… -
Posted a reply to Menu werkt niet op de mobiele website, on the site Support forums:
PS: een persoonlijke tip, ik zou de achtergrond van je website niet die foto nemen.… -
Posted a reply to Menu werkt niet op de mobiele website, on the site Support forums:
Om mobiele menu's goed te maken gebruik ik deze plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/mobile-menu/ Kan je eigenlijk een… -
Wrote a comment on the post PTE Request for DHL Parcel for WooCommerce, on the site Translate WordPress:
Is it possible to suggest a bit more strings in all three locales (nl_NL, nl_NL-formal… -
Posted a reply to Dutch translation, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I'll leave the other fuzzy's for you. :) -
Created a topic, Dutch translation, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi @jvlieger! Thank you for your submissions for the … -
Posted a reply to translate “Weight(kg)” title, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
@bosklapper Before language pack is created, at least 90% of the strings should be translated.… -
Created issue #39312 in the WordPress/gutenberg repository:
Show "last updated" in the sidebar -
Created a topic, Schrijffoutje!, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hey hey! Er staat in de beschrijving een kleine schrij… -
Posted a reply to Kritieke fout website, on the site Support forums:
Als ik kijk via inspect element lijkt het alsof iets niet gevonden wordt of niet… -
Posted a reply to Site niet meer bereikbaar na installatie plug in voor ssl, on the site Support forums:
Wat ik zou doen is via FTP even in wp-content -> plugins het mapje vd… -
Posted a reply to Lost “Publish” button, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
You can upload it to imgbb.com easily and post the link here. Also, I personally… -
Posted a reply to Menu Item Not Opening Link In New Tab, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
About which dropdown are we talking about exactly? -
Posted a reply to Lost “Publish” button, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Since we can't access the back-end of your website (and asking / giving credentials of… -
Created a topic, Vertaling naar het Nederlands, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hey Koen, ik heb net je vertaling verwerkt. Bedankt vo… -
Posted a reply to Problem with description of time slot not changing, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I found out what was messing it up... For some reason, the caching plugin I… -
Posted a reply to Accepting bookings you canceled by accident., on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Excellent. If there isn't a warning message if you press "cancel"... I would add that.… -
Posted a reply to FR: more filter options in the CSV output, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Perfect, then we shall await when it arrives. Thanks :)! -
Posted a reply to FR: improve CSV output by including the field headers, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Will this be a possible future feature or not? -
Created a topic, Accepting bookings you canceled by accident., on the site WordPress.org Forums:
A coworker cancelled a booking by accident instead of … -
Posted a reply to FR: string changes requested, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
This is resolved! Thanks for the quick fix! -
Posted a reply to Reservatiesysteem met beurtenkaarten, on the site Support forums:
Ik kwam deze tegen. Is dit in de lijn van wat je zoekt? https://wordpress.org/plugins/maximum-purchase-for-woocommerce/ -
Posted a reply to achtergrond kleur menubalk, on the site Support forums:
https://wordpress.org/plugins/so-css/ Misschien kan deze plugin helpen? Deze is een soort "WYSIWYG" editor voor CSS. -
Posted a reply to Fatal error – uncaught error, on the site Support forums:
Ik heb net gekeken en merk die foutmelding niet op... Is dit probleem opgelost? (PS:… -
Posted a reply to Dutch translation, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
@atvoogt Because I opened a topic on forums of the latest plugin you sumbitted translations… -
Created a topic, Dutch translation, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Dear @atvoogt, we noticed you submitted a LOT of trans… -
Posted a reply to FR: string changes requested, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Thanks a lot! I'll also translate it into Dutch as soon as I see it! -
Created a topic, FR: more filter options in the CSV output, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
It would be quite helpful if you were able to output a… -
Created a topic, FR: improve CSV output by including the field headers, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
We are using the plugin for various events in our scho…
Force Update Translations
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