Sayedul Sayem
@sayedulsayem on , @sayem on Slack
- Member Since: July 31st, 2019
- Location: Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Website:
- GitHub: sayedulsayem
- Job Title: Software Engineer
- Employer: ThemeBucket
Contribution History
Sayedul Sayem’s badges:- Core Contributor
- Documentation Contributor
- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
- Translation Editor
Posted a reply to Awesome Idea, on the site Forums:
Thanks -
Posted a reply to Excellent DX, on the site Forums:
Thanks -
Posted a reply to Awesome Idea, on the site Forums:
Thanks -
Posted a reply to failed to upload, on the site Forums:
Hi, @berdini Will you please share your environment details? Like, wp version, theme, others plugins,… -
Mentioned in [52608] on Core SVN:
Administration: Properly handle HTML entities in the News & Events dashboard widget. -
Posted a reply to WP_Query two post_types but only return second post type with specific term, on the site Forums:
Hi @webdevbytes, You can get posts from multiple post types. Just you have to mention… -
Posted a reply to The plugin does not work., on the site Forums:
Hi @ashraf547 Can you please share with us your problems? How did you try? What… -
Committed [2622938] to Plugins SVN:
tag 1.2.0 -
Committed [2622937] to Plugins SVN:
release 1.2.0 -
Wrote a comment on the post PTE Request for Custom CSS for Elementor, on the site Translate WordPress:
@thebengalboy Thank you for your quick response. I got PTE access for my plugin. -
Wrote a comment on the post PTE Request for Custom CSS for Elementor, on the site Translate WordPress:
@thebengalboy Thank you for your response. I already suggested some strings to translate. Can you… -
Committed [2618831] to Plugins SVN:
logo change -
Committed [2618830] to Plugins SVN:
assets and readme update -
Committed [2618827] to Plugins SVN:
tag fix -
Committed [2618826] to Plugins SVN:
new version -
Committed [2618825] to Plugins SVN:
Tag create -
Submitted pull request #1773 to WordPress/wordpress-develop:
0 as post title -
Closed pull request #1772 on WordPress/wordpress-develop:
fix no title issue with title 0 -
Submitted pull request #1772 to WordPress/wordpress-develop:
fix no title issue with title 0 -
Closed ticket #39827 on Core Trac:
notice in wp-includes/canonical.php:392 -
Mentioned in [51920] on Core SVN:
Help/About: Don't output empty `` tags on Credits screen. -
Wrote a new post, PTE Request for Custom CSS for Elementor, on the site Translate WordPress:
I am the plugin author for Custom CSS for Elementor. We have a number of… -
Committed [2616735] to Plugins SVN:
tag create -
Committed [2616726] to Plugins SVN:
Initial release -
Committed [2616725] to Plugins SVN:
tag create -
Submitted pull request #1766 to WordPress/wordpress-develop:
#54275 Need to remove some empty html element (span) -
Closed pull request #1764 on WordPress/wordpress-develop:
#54275 Need to remove some empty html element (span) -
Submitted pull request #1765 to WordPress/wordpress-develop:
#53650 Remove unwanted quotation marks -
Closed pull request #1763 on WordPress/wordpress-develop:
#53650 Remove unwanted quotation marks -
Submitted pull request #1764 to WordPress/wordpress-develop:
#54275 Need to remove some empty html element (span) -
Submitted pull request #1763 to WordPress/wordpress-develop:
#53650 Remove unwanted quotation marks -
Created ticket #54275 on Core Trac:
need to remove some empty html element (span) -
Created ticket #54255 on Core Trac:
Use esc_html() to escaping variable in about page -
Committed [2608383] to Plugins SVN:
latest wp version update -
Committed [2487524] to Plugins SVN:
previous version added -
Committed [2487520] to Plugins SVN:
assets and readme update -
Posted a reply to One of those plugins that you won’t realize you need unless you try it, on the site Forums:
Hi @chorompotro Thank you. Stay tuned with me. Keep supporting. Really inspired. -
Posted a reply to Best and Helpful, on the site Forums:
Hi @kawsar90630 Thank you. Stay tuned with me. Keep supporting. -
Posted a reply to Such a plugin was needed in WordPress. Thanks developer., on the site Forums:
Hi @emran01756290095 Thank you. Stay tuned with me. Keep supporting. -
Posted a reply to Easy & Helpful, on the site Forums:
Hi @shamser_suzon Thank you. Stay tuned with me. Keep supporting. -
Committed [2483049] to Plugins SVN:
assets and readme update -
Committed [2480401] to Plugins SVN:
readme update -
Committed [2480397] to Plugins SVN:
new version release -
Committed [2479802] to Plugins SVN:
assets update -
Committed [2479676] to Plugins SVN:
minimize required php -
Committed [2479631] to Plugins SVN:
updated readme -
Committed [2479591] to Plugins SVN:
initial release -
Posted a reply to Re-captcha V2 & V3 not working, on the site Forums:
Hi @waleedviews We fixed the ReCaptcha issue with our metform. Please take updated version of… -
Posted a reply to Attach File-Upload to Admin Notice, on the site Forums:
Hi @fudogami We updated our plugin. Take the latest version. Your problem will be solved.… -
Posted a reply to I want remember function on google login and facebook login, on the site Forums:
Hi @veerapong There is some limitation on that. All of this social login provides an…
Custom CSS for Elementor
Active Installs: 500+
Support WebP
Active Installs: 1,000+
বাংলা (Bengali (Bangladesh)) Plugins Translation Editor - #bn_BD
Custom CSS for Elementor
Active Installs: 500+