Vlad T
@vladytimy on WordPress.org , @vladt on Slack
- Member Since: September 9th, 2011
- Website: vladtimotei.ro
- GitHub: vlad-timotei
- Job Title: React Native Developer
- Employer: Tapptitude
WordPress Origin Story
Contribution History
Vlad T’s badges:- Core Contributor
- Meta Contributor
- Plugin Developer
- Support Contributor
- Support Team
- Translation Contributor
- Translation Editor
Wrote a comment on the post (Post Title) PTE Request for…, on the site Translate WordPress:
Hi! Thank you for your suggestions. As mentioned here the translations need a few improvements… -
Wrote a new post, Agenda: Weekly Polyglots Chat – April. 27, 2022 (13:00 UTC), on the site Translate WordPress:
Here’s the agenda for our weekly chat. This meeting will be held at in the… -
Wrote a new post, Weekly Polyglots Chat – April 20, 2022 (7:00 UTC), on the site Translate WordPress:
Here’s the agenda for our weekly chat. This meeting will be held at in the… -
Wrote a comment on the post PTE Request for…, on the site Translate WordPress:
Sorry for the late reply, @nicu_m Please join our Romanian Slack workspace - Slack Romania,… -
Wrote a new post, Agenda: Weekly Polyglots Chat – Apr. 13, 2022 (12:00 UTC), on the site Translate WordPress:
Here’s the agenda for our weekly chat. This meeting will be held at in the… -
Wrote a comment on the post PTE Request for…, on the site Translate WordPress:
Hi, @nicu_m Thank you for your contribution. We reviewed your suggestions and we approved the… -
Wrote a new post, Agenda: Weekly Polyglots Chat – Apr. 6, 2022 (07:00 UTC), on the site Translate WordPress:
Here’s the agenda for our weekly chat. This meeting will be held at in the… -
Posted a reply to Probleme cu site-ul, on the site Forumuri de suport:
Salut! Încearcă să dezactivezi modulele tale manual folosind una din cele două metode descrise mai… -
Wrote a new post, Agenda: Weekly Polyglots Chat – March 30, 2022 (13:00 UTC), on the site Translate WordPress:
Here’s the agenda for our weekly chat. This meeting will be held at in the… -
Wrote a new post, Agenda: Weekly Polyglots Chat – Mar. 23, 2022 (07:00 UTC), on the site Translate WordPress:
Here’s the agenda for our weekly chat. This meeting will be held at in the… -
Wrote a new post, Agenda: Weekly Polyglots Chat – March 9, 2022 (7:00 UTC), on the site Translate WordPress:
Here’s the agenda for our weekly chat. This meeting will be held at in the… -
Posted a reply to Eroare Pixel, on the site Forumuri de suport:
Bună! Nu sunt familiar cu Pixel de la FB, dar îți sugerez să întrebi la… -
Wrote a new post, Polyglots Coffee Breaks – March 10, 2022 at 22:00 UTC (Americas) & March 24, 2022 at 14:00 UTC (EMEA), on the site Translate WordPress:
In March we will host two Polyglots hangouts or “coffee breaks”: on - Americason -… -
Wrote a new post, Agenda: Weekly Polyglots Chat – Feb. 23, 2022 (7:00 UTC), on the site Translate WordPress:
Here’s the agenda for our weekly chat. This meeting will be held at in the… -
Closed ticket #55096 on Core Trac:
wp login does not work -
Wrote a comment on the post Salut și mulțumesc @vladytimy pentru…, on the site Echipa de localizare:
Salut, @petredobrescu Da, traducem și opțiunile setările altor module, pentru că acestea la rândul lor… -
Wrote a comment on the post Agenda: Weekly Polyglots Chat – January 26, 2022 (07:00 UTC), on the site Translate WordPress:
Also pinging #cy team to let them know that although translations for WordPress 5.9 are… -
Wrote a comment on the post Agenda: Weekly Polyglots Chat – January 26, 2022 (07:00 UTC), on the site Translate WordPress:
Meeting Archive Below stats are dated 2022-01-26 compared to 2022-01-19 (differences between brackets) Releases: 205… -
Wrote a new post, WordPress 5.9 Joséphine!, on the site În Română:
Bun venit la Joséphine! Îți prezentăm WordPress 5.9 Joséphine. Ultima și cea mai versatilă lansare,… -
Wrote a comment on the post Маленькие замечания по технологии перевода:, on the site Russian Team:
Hi, @irinashl Thank you very much for your feedback on these tools. Indeed, when using… -
Wrote a new post, Agenda: Weekly Polyglots Chat – January 26, 2022 (07:00 UTC), on the site Translate WordPress:
Here’s the agenda for our weekly chat. This meeting will be held at in the… -
Created a topic, Evaluări traduceri, on the site Forumuri de suport:
Salut! Dacă ai fost menționat în răspunsurile acestui… -
Posted a reply to Programare esuată articol wordpress, on the site Forumuri de suport:
Salut! În pagina Sănătate site din panoul de control apare ceva relevant? Posibil să existe… -
Posted a reply to Plugin RSS, on the site Forumuri de suport:
Salut! Am văzut întrebarea ta săptămâna trecută, dar personal nu am testat niciun modul cu… -
Posted a reply to Accesare din internet website gazduit acasa cu ip dinamic, on the site Forumuri de suport:
Salut! Din păcate nu știu să îți spun despre un astfel de modul. Dar poți… -
Posted a reply to wpBakery Page Builder, on the site Forumuri de suport:
Ce spui tu pare o implementare personalizată. Nu știu ce opțiuni îți dă WpBakery. Posibil… -
Posted a reply to Accesare din internet website gazduit acasa cu ip dinamic, on the site Forumuri de suport:
Da, folosesc Local cu Windows, deși cred că e disponibil și pe alte SO, dar… -
Posted a reply to wpBakery Page Builder, on the site Forumuri de suport:
Salut! Pentru că folosești un modul comercial (WpBakery) te rugăm să te adresezi comerciantului, pe… -
Posted a reply to Header în subelement, on the site Forumuri de suport:
Cred că pe celălalt trebuie să îl folosești peste tot. Fără Elementor, în dreapta, dacă… -
Posted a reply to Header în subelement, on the site Forumuri de suport:
Salut! Văd că la pagina Despre noi apare același antent, însă la pagina Echipa apare… -
Posted a reply to Accesare din internet website gazduit acasa cu ip dinamic, on the site Forumuri de suport:
Salut! Nu am un răspuns la întrebarea ta, dar pot să îți dau niște idei.… -
Posted a reply to search, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi! I second this as a Romanian speaker! Just a note, the correct Romanian special… -
Posted a reply to Tema wp, on the site Forumuri de suport:
Salut! Există unele unelte online pe care le găsești dacă cauți termeni precum „what theme… -
Posted a reply to Eroare critica, on the site Forumuri de suport:
Îmi pare rău că nu reușești să găsești problema. Îi poți ruga pe cei de… -
Posted a reply to Eroare critica, on the site Forumuri de suport:
Dacă nu se rezolvă, încearcă să înlocuiești toate fișierele WordPress manual, urmând pasul 1 de… -
Posted a reply to Eroare critica, on the site Forumuri de suport:
Dacă fără niciun modul activ eroarea nu dispare, încearcă să redenumești în directorul /wp-content/themes directorul… -
Posted a reply to Eroare critica, on the site Forumuri de suport:
PS: Este recomandat să faci o copie de siguranță/backup pentru orice eventualitate. -
Posted a reply to Eroare critica, on the site Forumuri de suport:
Bună! Încearcă să dezactivezi modulele tale manual folosind una din cele două metode descrise mai… -
Submitted pull request #36889 to WordPress/gutenberg:
Use placeholder for component name in string -
Closed pull request #36885 on WordPress/gutenberg:
Add translators note about not translating component name -
Submitted pull request #36885 to WordPress/gutenberg:
Add translators note about not translating component name -
Wrote a comment on the post Call for Polyglots Team Representatives, on the site Translate WordPress:
+1🙌 -
Wrote a comment on the post Call for Polyglots Team Representatives, on the site Translate WordPress:
Thank you for the nomination! I would be happy to help the team. :)
Active Installs: 600+
Better Search Replace
Core Rollback
Customizer Export/Import
Duplicator - WordPress Migration Plugin
Health Check & Troubleshooting
Loco Translate
Public Post Preview
Slider, Gallery, and Carousel by MetaSlider - Responsive WordPress Plugin
String locator
UpdraftPlus WordPress Backup Plugin
WordPress Beta Tester
WP Author Slug