

Mae “Gutenberg” yn enw cod ar gyfer patrwm cwbl newydd o adeiladu a chyhoeddi gwefannau WordPress, sy’n anelu at chwyldroi’r profiad cyhoeddi cyfan gymaint ag y gwnaeth Gutenberg â’r gair printiedig. Ar hyn o bryd, mae’r project yng ngham cyntaf proses pedwar cam a fydd yn cyffwrdd â phob darn o WordPress – Golygu, Cyfaddasu, Cydweithio ac Amlieithog – ac mae’n canolbwyntio ar brofiad golygu newydd, y golygydd bloc.

Mae’r golygydd bloc yn cyflwyno dull modiwlaidd o dudalennau a chofnodion: mae pob darn o gynnwys yn y golygydd, o baragraff i oriel ddelweddau i bennawd, yn floc ei hun. Ac yn union fel blociau corfforol, gall blociau WordPress gael eu hychwanegu, eu trefnu a’u haildrefnu, gan ganiatáu i ddefnyddwyr WordPress greu tudalennau sy’n llawn cyfryngau mewn ffordd reddfol yn weledol – a heb addasiadau codau byr neu HTML cyfaddas.

Daeth y golygydd bloc ar gael gyntaf ym mis Rhagfyr 2018, ac rydym yn dal i weithio’n galed yn mireinio’r profiad, yn creu mwy a gwell blociau, ac yn gosod y sylfaen ar gyfer tri cham nesaf y gwaith. Mae ategyn Gutenberg yn rhoi’r fersiwn ddiweddaraf i chi o’r golygydd blociau fel y gallwch ymuno â ni i brofi nodweddion mwyaf blaengar, dechrau chwarae gyda blociau, ac efallai cael eich ysbrydoli i adeiladu un eich hun.

Darganf0d Rhagor

  • Dogfennaeth Defnyddiwr: Gweler dogfennaeth Golygydd WordPress am dogfennaeth fanwl ar ddefnyddio’r golygydd fel awdur yn creu cofnodion a thudalennau.

  • Dogfennaeth Datblygwr: Mae ymestyn a chyfaddasu wrth wraidd y platfform WordPress, gweler Dogfennaeth Datblygwr am sesiynau tiwtorial helaeth, dogfennaeth a chyfeirnod API ar sut i ymestyn y golygydd.

  • Cyfranwyr: Mae Gutenberg yn broject cod agored ac mae’n croesawu pawb sy’n cyfrannu o god i ddyluniad, o ddogfennaeth i frysbennu. Darllenwch y Llawlyfr Cyfrannwr am yr holl fanylion ar sut y gallwch chi helpu.

Mae hwb datblygu project Gutenberg ar Github yn:

Mae trafodaeth am y project ar Make Blog a’r sianel #core-editor yn Slack, gwybodaeth ymuno .

Cwestiynau Cyffredin

Sut fedra i anfon adborth neu gael help gyda gwall?

Byddem wrth ein bodd yn clywed eich adroddiadau gwallau, awgrymiadau am nodwedd ac unrhyw adborth arall! Dewch draw i dudalen materion GitHub i chwilio am faterion sy’n bodoli eisoes neu agor un newydd. Er y byddwn yn ceisio treialu materion a adroddir yma ar y fforwm ategyn, fe gewch ymateb cyflymach (a lleihau dyblygu ymdrech) trwy gadw popeth yn ganolog yn y storfa GitHub.

Beth sydd nesaf i’r project?

Pedwar cam y prosiect yw Golygu, Cyfaddasu, Cydweithio ac Amlieithog. Gallwch glywed mwy am y project a’r cyfnodau gan Matt yn ei sgyrsiau State of the Word ar gyfer 2019 a 2018 . Yn ogystal, gallwch ddilyn diweddariadau yn y blog Creu WordPress Core .

Lle ga i ddarllen rhagor am Gutenberg?

Ble fedra i weld pa fersiynau ategyn Gutenberg sy’n cael eu cynnwys ym mhob ryddhad WordPress?

Darllenwch y ddogfen Fersiynau yn WordPress i weld tabl yn dangos pa fersiwn o ategyn Gutenberg sydd wedi’i chynnwys ym mhob ryddhad WordPress.


Hydref 30, 2020
This is not working properly. Also, not able to manage meta properly as well. Didn't go for it.
Hydref 29, 2020
I was very resistent in the beginning but now I can't imagine going back to crappy bloated pagebuilders. My gutenberg pages are blazing fast and all customers are able to use them with ease. Haven't built my own blocks yet but will definitely give it a try.
Hydref 30, 2020
I think I get it now. But I'll state what seems to me to be the case: The folks behind this project actually want Gutenberg to fail. That's the only way I can explain the inconsistency I'm witnessing. I mean seriously, what they're doing looks and behaves like sabotage. Unfortunately I had to delete my previous review and change this to a 1 star. I don't understand some of the minds behind this project and the apparent issue some of those minds have with CONSISTENCY. The problem here clearly isn't Gutenberg, it's the developers playing around with it and ruining it. I decided to give Gutenberg a second chance and I reinstalled WordPress (5.5.1) and removed the fork of classic WordPress that I had been using. I have been EXTREMELY resistant to Gutenberg Blocks because of the HORRIBLE experience I had with it before. Well I received an email today that my site had updated to WordPress 5.5.2 and when I signed on to work on my sites, I noticed that the Rows feature that was there in Gutenberg is GONE, does NOT work, and is REPLACED with Groups. So, WHAT exactly, was wrong with the WORKING "Rows" option that you HAD at first??? And, here again, whatever you did, it no longer functions properly! What ELSE will you go and change for no sound reason whatsoever??? I'm going to be installing the Classic Editor plugin because I literally DON'T have time for this... whatever this little toy project is you have going on that you're playing around with, irregardless of the fact that people's WEBSITES are depending on the software! I'm so over this. Just.. freakin UNbelievable!
Hydref 24, 2020
Like any aother sane WordPress user I try to keep the number of installed plugins to a minimum and to be forced to install one just to be able to continue using the product really sucks. I'm a senior developer myself and I fully understand the ambition and reasoning behind this change but from a user perspective it's really bad. The name itself is also quite disrespectful to Gutenberg and his family imo. This is unfortunately the worst thing to happen to WordPress to this day and I hope Gutenberg will be put back in the grave where it belongs.
Hydref 24, 2020
The experience with the editor has been good so far. Lite and fast. I'd like to see more basic features added like padding and margin for each block instead of manually adding it with css. A better UI is needed badly, blocks are not very well distinguished when there is no content in it. Overall we need a good set of blocks to build more complex layouts. A contact form would be very welcomed instead of needing an extra plugin for that.
Hydref 24, 2020
I despise using wordpress now. It has not only ruined a whole lot of posts that I now have to go back and "fix" with this utterly useless editor, it has broken all sorts of features on my site. I just can't believe this shitty software was forced onto everyone as an improvement. Devs should be ashamed for ruining the wordpress experience, now I have to spend 10 times as long just trying to do simple things that were so easy to do before. You idiots are lucky that wordpress is one of the best free solutions, but I will be looking for alternatives to this trash as soon as I can move my site. Unbelievable.
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Contributors & Developers

“Gutenberg” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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Cofnod Newid

I ddarllen y cofnod newid am Gutenberg 9.2.2, ewch i’r dudalen ryddhau .